Scotland HS/MS News
Friday February 19, 2021
This Week:
Friday: FFA Week Committee: This committee will have a working lunch on Friday, February 19th.; GOOD Luck to our Highlander BBB teams as they travel to Menno C game 5pm, JV 6:15pm then Varsity. Menno’s FCA has invited Scotland’s study body to join them after the BBall game for fellowship and ice cream in the city/school gym.
Saturday: GOOD Luck to our Highland BBB team as they meet Centerville 12:30pm in the Great Plains tournament at Gayville; GOOD Luck to our matmen Jordan, Turner & Tyrus at Regions in Wagner 10am…. At the region wrestling tournament on Saturday, masks are required by all workers, spectators, wrestlers not wrestling that match, and coaches not coaching that match as per SDHSAA—no spectator will be allowed in without a mask, if they do not bring one we will sell them for a $1 each. The tourney will be live-streamed on Red Raiders Live.
NEXT WEEK: National FFA Week:
Monday: “Dress Like an Animal”; COOP Speaker in the Ag room at 8:30am for FFA member grades 9-12; GBB Regions games 5pm & 7pm—Scotland has a bye
Tuesday: “: Tired Tuesday (PJs)”; Pep Rally 3pm dismiss the band at 2:50pm…GBB Regions and Wrestlers going to State; Scotland hosts GBB Regions games at 5pm & 7pm;
Wednesday: “Blue and Gold/FFA Shirt Day”, Drive Your Tractor to School, Farm Olympics at 2pm;
Thursday: FFA Day “John Deere vs Case”; 2:30 Dismissal; Parent/Teacher Conferences 3-9pm will be held in the main gym with masks required when parents are at the tables w/teachers; Scholastic Book Fair ends; GBB Region Semi Finals;
Friday: NO SCHOOL; State Wrestling @Rapid City
Saturday: State Wrestling @Rapid City; MS BB tournament at Avon
- For the pep rally next Tuesday everyone needs to stay off of the basketball court . Steve and Verlyn will have the floor ready for the game and they want everyone to stay off of it. We will do everything on the stage. Also, if the freshmen participate in the Highlander Fling during the school song, they will need to do so on the stage, not the basketball court.
- The following people have books that are overdue in the library today/Fri. 2/19. Please take care of this ASAP: Kailin Odens, Macy Rokusek, and Jonathan Gratzfeld
- USD Dental Clinic will be March 2nd & 3rd. Forms will be available on line or in the office.
- Seniors pursuing a career in the education field, Scotland SEA is offering a scholarship. Check out the flyers posted around the building and contact Mrs. Haase.
- National FFA Week: On Friday of this week, the coloring contest papers will be handed out for students K-2, 3-5, MS, and HS. These will be due back on Tuesday.
- Each day there will also be a picture of “Flat Harold” around school for MS or HS students to find. Harold is a stuffed animal the FFA Officers have “adopted” and cared for since this summer. The first student to find it is to take a picture with it where they found it and bring it to the Ag Room for a prize.
- Kiss a Pig – to end the pop tab drive, there is a bit of an incentive. Each teacher will have their name on a jar either in Mrs. Haase’s (MS) or Mrs. Walloch’s (HS). Students then can bring in pop tabs to vote for who will have to kiss the pig. The pig will not be real, so it will either be the model pig from the ag room or a stuffed animal. Jars will be taken and counted at the end of the day on Tuesday to figure out who will kiss the pig during farm Olympics.
- The final pop tab winner, either elementary, MS, or HS, will be announced on Monday, March 1st.
- CDEs and Sign Ups: Sign us are being posted in the ag room on the bulletin board as details come in. Make sure you sign up. Contests will be as follows McCook CDE on March 8th, Brule County Livestock CDE on March 17th, Howard CDE on March 15th, District 4 CDE in Bon Homme on March 17th, and Tri-Valley CDE on March 29th.