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ELEM Announcements...
WRITTEN BY Patty Mogck ON January 06, 2021

  Highlander Happenings … Wed.Jan.6.2021 

STUDENTS & STAFF are ENCOURAGED to be wearing a mask while in the building.

Winter Sports / Activities Picture Day is TOMAY … … 12:30pm … ... Mark’s sent this link for parents that want to order Sports / Activity Pictures online. 

We need a ticket taker (or two) for the wrestling dual here vs. Wagner on January 12.  Please let Jim Kocer know. 

Pop Tabs: It is a competition to see who can collect the most pop tabs between October 5th, 2020 and March 1st, 2021. The winning group (either the elementary, middle school, or high school) will be announced after FFA Week. HS please take tabs to Ms. Kaufmann’s room. MS please take the tabs to Mrs. Haase’s room. Elementary to Patty’s office. Miss Kaufmann was just down and the HS kids have as many as the ELEM does. If you want that spring extra recess BRING YOUR POP TABS!!!


Wed.Jan.6… WINTER Sports/Activities Picture Day, 12:30pm…

Th.Jan.7… BBall DblHdr at Tripp, 4pm ~Masks are mandatory (only restriction); WR at Bon Homme, 6:30pm…

Fri.Jan.8… MS.BBBall at Tripp, 6pm…

Sat.Jan.9… WR at Garretson, 9:30am; MS.BBBall Tourney at Gayville, 9am…


Tu.Jan.12… BBall DblHdr at Centerville, 5pm; WR vs Wagner at SCOTLAND ~ PARENT’S NIGHT!!! (6:30pm)…

Th.Jan.14… BBall DblHdr vs Avon (H), 5:15pm…

Fri.Jan.15… MS.BBBall at Avon, 6pm…

Sat.Jan.16… MS.WR at Huron, 9:30am; WR at Tri-Valley HS, 10am; BBall DblHdr vs Freeman Academy / Marion, 11:30am…


Wed.Jan.6… A. Italian Melt; B. Hot Dog; C. Turkey/Cheese Sub…

Th.Jan.7… A. Popcorn Chicken; B. BBQ Rib; C. Ham/Cheese Sub…

Fri.Jan.8… A. Taco Burger; B. Pizza; C. Ham/Turkey Sub…

Mon.Jan.11… A. Toasted Cheese Sandwich; B. Chicken Sandwich; C. Ham/Cheese Sub…

Tu.Jan.12… A. Tacos; B Pork Fritter Sandwich; C. Combo Sub…

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