Scotland HS/MS News
Thursday March 11, 2021
This Week: GBB State tournament @Huron Thursday-Saturday
Thursday: Smarter Balance testing w/8th graders; Farm Safety committee meeting during lunch; 2:30pm dismissal; P/T Conferences 3-9pm; Drivers’ Ed 2:30-5:30pm;
Friday: NO SCHOOL; Drivers’ Ed 9am-noon; Meeting for all boys in grades 8 -11 planning on going out for football next year. It will be in the Menno weight room at 9am
Saturday: Remember to turn your clocks AHEAD tonightJ
NEXT WEEK: BBB State tournament @Aberdeen Thursday - Saturday
Monday: CDE @Howard; Smarter Balance testing w/7th graders
Tuesday: Smarter Balance testing w/8th graders; MS Quiz Bowl w/Menno here 3:30pm; Golf meeting right after school in Mr. Fuks room.
Wednesday: District CDE @Bon Homme Happy St. Patrick’s Day
Thursday: Smarter Balance testing w/juniors;
Friday: NO SCHOOL; Farm Safety Day;
Saturday: 1st day of Spring
- Now through March 18th, there is a competition with Menno to see who can donate the most for their local food pantry. Bring in your unused, unexpired nonperishable foods, toiletries, and supplies and drop them off at Miss Fritz's office. The school that donates the most in pounds will win a traveling trophy! CHS Farmers Alliance will also donate 16 cents per pound of donations to the Scotland Food Pantry.
- 2020 yearbooks are in. They are $30. Please see Mrs. Walloch to purchase one.
- CDEs and Sign Ups: Sign us are being posted in the ag room on the bulletin board as details come in. Make sure you sign up. Contests will be as follows McCook CDE: Howard CDE on March 15th makeup slips due Thursday March 11th. Will leave at 8am, District 4 CDE in Bon Homme on March 17th, and Tri-Valley CDE on March 29th.