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WRITTEN BY Patty Mogck ON March 24, 2022

Highlander Happenings … Mar.24.2022


Families may pre-order and pre-pay online for Spring Sports & Clubs Portraits at this link through the night before picture day. Simply click on your school event name (look for Spring Sports). You can combine online orders by entering each student’s name when prompted in the beginning.
Order Link:

Mark will photograph the players/students who hand him a paper form with payment or those who have an online order (he prints a list prior to the event).

Please visit our website at if you have any questions, you can find many answers on the FAQ’s page, but feel free to contact the studio also at 605-724-2559.

Scotland HS/MS News


Th.Mar.24… FFA Officer Luncheon Meeting; All-State HS Band in Brookings; USD Dental Hygiene Clinic; HS Quiz Bowl in Scotland, 4pm…    

Fri.Mar.25… FCA Meeting, 7:45am; All-State HS Band in Brookings; Jim River FFA Invitational CDE at Scotland and Menno (Helpers still needed / Contact Miss Kaufmann).. FFA members please be in the Ag Room by 7:30am…

Sat.Mar.26… All-State HS Band in Brookings; ACT Prep, 8:30-11:30am…


Mon.Mar.28… FFA TriValley CDE Contest; TR at Centerville, 10am…

Tu.Mar.29… GOLF Practice Begins, 3:30pm at the Club House (bring your clubs); Student Council meeting, 7:50am in Mrs. Fryda’s room; FFA Little I CDE

Wed.Mar.30… The Elementary Puffin’ Order items will be ready for pick-up from 3:30-6pm…

Th.Mar.31… SHS All School Play, 7:30pm…

Sun.Apr.3… SHS All School Play, 2pm…


ELEMENTARY UP-COMING DATES TO REMEMBER… March 29 is the ‘due’ date for the FFA chicks to hatch. If you’d like to take your class down to have the eggs candled or watch the hatching, please contact Miss Kaufmann… Information will be sent home on Mon.Mar.28…


Th.Mar.24: A. BBQ Chicken Burrito; B. Pork Fritter; C. Ham/Chz Sub…

Fri.Mar.25: A. Tstd Chz Sandwich; B. Garlic French Bread Pizza (Menu Change); C. Ham/Turkey Sub…

Mon.Mar.28: A. Goulash; B. Chicken Sandwich; C. Ham/Chz Sub…

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