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WRITTEN BY Patty Mogck ON April 08, 2022

Highlander Happenings … Apr.8.2022

21-22 6th/7th Grades aka 22-23 7th/8th Graders ~ If you would like a student planner for next school year, please sign-up on the form on the bulletin board next to Sandy’s lunch station. This MUST be done by noon TODAY. THANK YOU ~Patty

It is time to take out petitions for the 2022-2023 Student Council offices.  Petitions for President and Vice President can be taken out by any junior.  Petitions for Secretary and Treasurer can be taken out by any student in grades 9-11.  Petitions may only be signed by students in grades 8-11 and each student can only sign one petition for each office.  Petitions must be signed by 13 students.  Petitions can be picked up from Mrs. Fryda and petitions are due to Mrs. Fryda by 12:30pm on Thursday, April 14.  Elections for officers will be held during 2nd period (immediately following the NE Community College Jazz Band Performance) on Wednesday, April 20.

The Student Council is hosting a Blood Drive in the Community Room on Wednesday, April 20 from 10:30am to 4:00pm (LifeServe needed to change the time from the normal 12-5:30).  If you would like to donate, please go to or email me and I can schedule you also.  The Student Council thanks you for your support!  If you are 16 or 17 and this is your first time donating, please see Mrs. Fryda for a permission form.  To register please go to or see Mrs. Fryda.

Miss Kaufmann will be reaching out to the CDE teams this week to discuss State FFA Convention plans as registration is due this week. Keep your ear open to announcements.

Scotland HS/MS News


Fri.Apr.8… FFA 7th Grade Presentation; FFA Community Committee Luncheon Meeting (Kickball Tournament)… 

Sat.Apr.9… SHS PROM… 3:45 Group Pic at FBall Field followed by Walk-By at the GSC; 4pm Pictures in the Gym; Dinner at 5:30 w/Grand March to follow at 7pm. Dance from 8-11:30pm w/After Prom Festivities to follow.


Mon.Apr.11… FFA CDE in Lennox, bus leaving at 8:15am (Make-up slips due Fri.Apr.8); School Board Meeting, 7pm…

Tu.Apr.12… School Board Meeting, 7:30am; MS.JV Golf ~ MS/Burke, and JV/Gregory; MS.HS TR at Centerville, 1/2pm; FFA Officer meeting…

Wed.Apr.13… Student Council Food Service Meeting w/Tina in Mrs. Fryda’s room, 2:15pm (approx. 10 minutes); FFA Officer Application Due…





Fri.Apr.8: A. Fish Sticks; B. Garlic French Bread Pizza; C. Ham/Chz Sub…

Mon.Apr.11: A. Spaghetti; B. Chicken Sandwich; C. Ham/Chz Sub…

Tu.Apr.12: A. Baked Ham; B. Chicken Nuggets; C. Turkey/Chz Sub…

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