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WRITTEN BY Patty Mogck ON September 26, 2022

Highlander Happenings … Mon.Sept.26.2022

Scotland HS/MS/Elem News…

"The JRT Cheerleaders are selling personalized tote bags, lunch bags, and other accessories as a fundraiser. Order online through October 1st at

NEW FFA MEMBERS need to be sized for an FFA Jacket. Stop by the Ag Room before or after school, prior to a period or during 6th hour. This MUST be done THIS WEEK!!!

The Student council is sponsoring a Powder Puff football game on Sun.Oct.2, at 3pm at Baker Field to kick off Homecoming Week! Refreshments will be served, so please come out and enjoy the game! Thank you to all students in grades 9-12 and all Staff who are involved!!

THANK YOU from the After Prom Group to everyone who has committed to donating items for the After Prom Raffle! If you are a parent of a student in grades 9-12 and have not joined the After Prom Remind group for information on After Prom/Prom, here is the link if you are interested.


Mon.Sept.26… FFA Community Committee Lunch Meeting (Farmer Sack Lunches); JV(4pm Game/Bus leaves Menno at 2:20/Picks up Scotland JV at 2:35).MS(5:15pm Game/Bus leaves Menno at 3:10/Picks up Scotland MS at 3:25) JRT FBall at Wagner; 4pm MS.VBall vs SFall Lutheran (H); 6:30pm JV/Varsity VBall vs SFall Lutheran (H); FFA Concessions TONIGHT (Reminder: If you can’t make your shift, YOU find your own replacement!!)

Tu.Sept.27… 7:50am Student Council meeting in Mrs. Fryda’s room; 8:30am (approx.) BHCHN Screenings as follows: KG and 5th total screen + vision / 1st, 3rd, and 7th vision / 5th and 7th Girls scoliosis screening / and 9th Boys scoliosis screening… 4pm FFA GREENHAND Camp (1st year members/Sign up in AG Room/ASAP) ~ Helpers still needed (5-6 would be GREAT!!)

Wed.Sept.28… FFA Fundraising Committee Lunch Meeting (Barn Dance); SCC Pre.School Screenings; 10:30am Josten’s Jr/Sr Meetings…

Th.Sept.29… 4pm MS.XC at Menno; 4:15pm XC Great Plains Conf Meet at Burke…

Fri.Sept.30… Marching BAND to Beresford; 7pm JRT FBall vs Flandreau at Menno (MHS Homecoming)…

Sat.Oct.1… Great Plains Conf VBall Tourney at Lake Andes. Matches begin at 9am…

NEXT WEEK…                                                                                                                          

Sun.Oct.2… 3pm Powder Puff FBall at Baker Field…

Mon.Oct.3… 2:30pm Coronation Practice; 4pm JV FBall at Tyndall; 4pm MV FBall at Scotland vs Irene/Wakonda; 4pm MS VBall at Menno; 7pm After Prom Activities Raffle begins; 7:30pm 2022 SHS Homecoming Coronation followed by Pep Rally…

Tu.Oct.4… DIG PINK NIGHT; 5:15pm C VBall followed by JV at 6:30 and Varsity to follow…

Wed.Oct.5… 3pm XC at Irene…

Th.Oct.6… SCC Hearing Van; 4pm MS VBall at Centerville; 5pm C VBall at Centerville w/ 6:15pm VJV start followed by Varsity…

Fri.Oct.7… 1pm Parade followed by Pep Rally on Main St; 2pm EARLY DISMISSAL; 2pm FFA Amazing Race; 7pm 2022 SHS Homecoming Game vs TDA/AC-DC :)…


Mon.Sept.26: A. Pizza Pasta Bake; B. Chicken Nuggets; C. Ham/Chz Sub…

Tu.Sept.27: A. Chicken Pot Pie; B. Pork Fritter; C. Turkey/Chz Sub…

Wed.Sept.28: A. Soft Shell Taco; B. Fish Nuggets; C. Combo Sub… Helper Stefani Grosz

Th.Sept.29: A. Chicken Ranch Pasta; B. Corn Dog; C. Ham/Chz Sub…

Fri.Sept.30: A. Tater Hotdish; B. Pizza; C. Ham/Turkey Sub…


PARADE IDEAS… … …KG: Fishing; 1st: Cooking/Baking; 2nd: Art; 3rd: ; 4th: Cleaning “The Trappers will SWEEP the Thunderhawks!” ; 5th Hunting “Shoot Down the Thunderhawks”; 6th: Sports “I’m Going to Score You a Win”; 7th: Hunting “The Trappers are HUNTING for a WIN”; 8th: Camping “Roasting the Thunderhawks and Catching a W!”; 9th: Movie Night “Get Your Popcorn, the Trappers are Gonna Put on a Show”; 10th: Trapping “Trapping the Chickens”; 11th: Hunting “Hunt Down the ThunderChickens”; 12th: Fishing “Let’s Put the Thunderhawks in the Tackle Box”…

DRESS-UP DAYS… … …Monday.Oct.3 ~ “Anything but a BackPack” (must be something that can be carried); and PJ Day… …Tuesday.Oct.4 ~ “Country vs Country Club” Day… …Wednesday.Oct.5 ~ “Walking Yearbook” Day… …Thursday.Oct.6 ~ “Orange & Black” Day… …Friday.Oct.7 “Black & Gold” Day!!!

KING & QUEEN CANDIDATES… Martina DeBoer, Claire Janish, Bailey Vitek, Jenna Vitek, Cole Friederich, Kade Fryda, Parker Humphrey, and Stephen Johnson…

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