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WRITTEN BY Patty Mogck ON October 14, 2022

Highlander Happenings … Fri.Oct.14.2022

Scotland HS/MS/Elem News…

FFA… Barn Dance and Meal: The annual Barn Dance and Meal is coming up soon. Please go to the sign up at to sign up to bring the necessary food items and or to work a shift. More details at the link.


Fri.Oct.14… FBall Bye-Week…

NEXT WEEK…                                                                                                                          

Mon.Oct.17… 3:45pm MS.VBall at Alexandria; 5pm C VBall, 6:15pm JV VBall followed by Varsity, all at Alexandria…

Tu.Oct.18… 8:15am District ACT Testing; 1pm EARLY DISMISSAL; 2-8pm Parent/Teacher Conferences…

Wed.Oct.19… LJM Student FLU Shot Clinic…

Th.Oct.20… 7:15am FFA Mandatory Fruit Sales Meeting; FB 1st Round Play-Offs…

Fri.Oct.21… NO SCHOOL; 5:15pm C VBall, 6:30pm JV VBall followed by Varsity, all vs Corsica-Stickney (H)…

Sat.Oct.22… State XC Meeting at Huron; FFA Barn Dance and Meal…


Fri.Oct.14: A. Glazed Chicken/Rice; B. Pizza; C. Ham/Turkey Sub…

FFA October Events: Mark your calendars… Fri.Oct.14 Farmer Sack Lunches; Th.Oct.20 at 7:15am Mandatory Fruit Sales Meeting; Sat.Oct.22 Barn Dance and Meal; Oct.24-29: National FFA Convention…

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